FarmaProm + PEX PharmaSequence Doctors Segmentation is a list of doctors who represent the highest potential in terms of client-defined disease entity.
Doctors Segmentation
We can help you achieve your sales goals
FarmaProm + PEX PharmaSequence Doctors Segmentation is a list of doctors who represent the highest potential in terms of client-defined disease entity.
FarmaProm & PEX PharmaSequence
By synergising FarmaProm’s and PEX PharmaSequence knowledge and resources we were able to produce the best product available on the market.
We will get you to the most potential doctors and minimize the number of ineffective visits.
The data we offer on doctors, divided into segments, allows you to precisely tailor the visits of your sales representatives. For instance, you may choose to use a four-segment breakdown, with each segment representing 25% of the total potential.
Doctors Segmentation has a significant impact on the effectiveness of promotional tools, i.e.: direct marketing activities (SMS, MMS, mailing campaigns), inviting the right people to congresses/training sessions.
Project outcomes may be expressed as a number of:
Additionally, we can indicate the flag:
As part of the introduction to or extension of segmentation we also offer additional project-based elements, i.e.:
Currently, our Doctors Database is used by some 3300 medical sales representatives from 67 pharmaceutical companies.
Got questions? We’re here to answer!
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